Monday, May 27, 2024

May 25, 2024

 Visited 2 different bodies of water.

At the first, I caught 4 Grass Carp, 1 Largemouth Bass, 1 Hybrid Sunfish, 1 Freshwater Drum, 2 Channel Catfish, and 4 Shortnose Gar.

Grass Carp on fly

Channel Catfish on fly

Hybrid Sunfish on fly

Freshwater Drum on fly

Darker than normal Shortnose Gar on fly

Shortnose Gar on Cicada fly

Melanistic Shortnose Gar on fly

At the second location, I caught a couple Eyetail Bowfin (both female), and a really dark Spotted Gar.
Spotted Gar on fly

Eyetail Bowfin on fly

Tiny Redeared Slider turtle

Plain-Bellied Water Snake

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