Took Wednesday off work to go fishing. I needed 6 Bowfin to get to 200 Lifetime Bowfin on Fly. I think that's pretty cool, considering I caught my first one ever in 2022.
I went to a location about twice as far away from home as my usual bowfin spot. Wasn't sure I'd reach the goal today, but thought maybe I'd inch closer to it. I got there, and water was lower than when I'd last been here in the Spring. Some decent spots were dry or otherwise unfishable.
Short story...I reached my goal! I caught exactly 6 Bowfin. They were smaller that the ones I usually catch, but cute little buggers!
I also caught Largemouth Bass, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Bluegill, Green Sunfish, and a BOATLOAD of Warmouth!
Warmouth |
Warmouth |
Green Sunfish |
White Crappie |
possible Hybrid Crappie |
Black Crappie |
Seen while fishing:
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (some females are black, while others are yellow with black stripes like the males)
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail |
This Plain-bellied Water Snake was my buddy. He came flying off the high bank into the water chasing frogs. I was snagging sticks in the water...I'd unhook them and toss them onto the bank on my left. The snake would chase the sticks and attack them as if they were another snake. I'd pet him with my rod tip. He never seemed to mind. He finally came over and rested next to my shoe.
Plain-bellied Water Snake