Monday, August 19, 2024

August 18, 2024

 Got out on a beautiful day for some flyfishing.  Hoped for Bowfin.... I needed 9 more for a lifetime benchmark of 200 bowfin on fly.  I managed to add 3 more.  So, 6 to go!  

Caught a variety of fish, Bowfin, Shortnose Gar, Largemouth Bass, Freshwater Drum, White Crappie, Bluegill, Warmouth, Green Sunfish.... good day. :) 


Largemouth Bass

Shortnose Gar

Shortnose Gar

Shortnose Gar

Freshwater Drum

Very tiny White Crappie!

Eyetail Bowfin

Eyetail Bowfin

Eyetail Bowfin
Saw quite a variety of butterflies this day, plus other wildlife.  Got pics of a few organisms.

Common Buckeye


Fiery Skipper
Red Admiral

Red Admiral

Common Whitetail Dragonfly

Six-Spotted Fishing Spider

American Lotus

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