Monday, May 8, 2023

May 5-7, 2023

 Cinqo de Mayo:

Got out after work.  Caught some fish, including 3 Grass Carp.  The last one was the biggest (30"), caught as light was fading.  It was feeding amongst some rocks along the opposite shoreline.  I cast out in open water behind it...and it turned, swam out of the rocks and dove down to the fly and ate it!

Saturday...I got a late start, as I couldn't decide where to fish. Finally decided to drive 5 hours round-trip to fish for 3 hours.  Was home well before dark! :)
Caught Largemouth Bass, Bluegills, Green Sunfish.... the highlights were Redspotted Sunfish, Longear Sunfish, and (new to me) Blackspotted Topminnow.

I tied some flies for a friend, then had some time to kill before picking my wife up from the airport...Hadn't really planned to it was 90 degrees.  But I went anyway.
Caught 3 more Grass Carp, a hybrid sunfish, and my first (and little) Channel Catfish of the year.  Brings my 2023 Fly Rod Species List to 58 species!  Best year ever!
Didn't measure this was smaller:

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