Monday, October 21, 2024

October 20, 2024

I visited a spot where I've caught Orangespotted Sunfish in the past (but not every visit).  Not much was going on, fish activity-wise.  I fished the upstream and downstream side of of a rock dam, dapping small tungsten jig-flies between and around rocks.  I caught a handful of small Green Sunfish, then finally landed an Orangespotted Sunfish.  Its colors were very washed out, but I was happy to get another of these neat little fish. 

Green Sunfish

Orangespotted Sunfish

Then I set the  hook on something heavy, that took off and started peeling line of my fly reel.  It turned out to be a nice healthy, beautiful Freshwater Drum!

Freshwater Drum

It was a nice Fall day, with an occasional flock of geese migrating overhead.

Turtles are still out and about.

I visited another fishing spot.  I'd fished it the previous weekend, but didn't catch any of the Grass Carp I was hoping for... so I thought they were "done" for the year.  They probably are, but I did manage to catch one on this visit!  It hit a silver microjig I was swimming in.  Did not see it before it struck!  It measured 32", but wasn't laying flat, so it may have been a bit longer than that.  Probably 13 lb-14 lb range.  Nice one!  Fought well, did NOT want to get in my net! :)

32"+ Grass Carp on fly.

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