Tuesday, April 11, 2023

April 9, 2023

Trying to get to 100 lifetime Bowfin on fly... need just 9 more after catching 8 today.  Caught some nice-sized ones (and 24.5" female and a 24" male), and some pretty ones.  I love the markings on the top one below!

I also caught 3 Common Carp, 1 Warmouth, 2 Green Sunfish, and a Largemouth Bass.  While using a tiny microjig for Warmouth, is when I caught the 3 carp and a bowfin, plus everything else besides the bulk of the bowfin.  Couldn't see any of those fish, so it was all pretty lucky I suppose.  Fine by me! ;) 

I also presented a microjig under an indicator to a few Grass Carp that were in a very shallow channel.  2 of them ate the indicator instead of the fly.  They are active now, so I should be able to get one or more soon!

Also saw a variety of snakes.  And accidentally snagged a large snapping turtle in the tail (released as gently as possible, never had to take it out of the water).

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