I drove about an hour away from home to make a visit to a new-to-me stream. I'd been looking and pondering at this stream for several years. After a mention from a guide I respect, I gave it a try. I was hoping for Smallmouth Bass. Probably not the best time of year to make a first visit for this species. I did see just a few, as well as some largemouth bass (or possibly spotted bass).
The water was low and very clear. Great for wading and seeing what fish were around and where. The bass were extremely spooky. Casts near them sent them running away in a panic.
So.... no bass were caught. I did catch a BUNCH of Striped Shiners, plus a few Bluegills, a Longear Sunfish, a couple Northern Studfish, and a couple Bleeding Shiners. Saw some small darters, Stonerollers, Northern Hog Suckers, and other suckers.
Striped Shiners |
Northern Studfish |
Bleeding Shiner |
Longear Sunfish | Empty turtle shell. |