Friday, September 13, 2024

September 12, 2024

Fished in the afternoon.  Hoped for Red Shiners and Orangespotted Sunfish.  I did not catch either.  I did catch some Green Sunfish, Bluegills, a Hybrid Sunfish, and 3 Grass Carp.  One Grass Carp measured 32", which should weigh around 12.75 lbs.

Other things seen while fishing:

Green Heron

This watersnake swam over and hung out near my shoe.

Monday, September 9, 2024

September 7, 2024

Beautiful day, sunny, clear, high in the low 70's.... didn't catch much.  Managed just 2 bowfin, and a few Green Sunfish and Bluegills. Lost several Shortnose Gar and a Spotted Gar.

23" Eyetail Bowfin

Eyetail Bowfin

Comma Butterfly

Yellow Garden Spider

Eastern Gray Squirrel
possibly a Plain-bellied Waternake


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

September 2, 2024

Got out on Monday for the first flyfishing of September.

Beautiful day, not too hot.  Breezier than expected at times.

Stepped on a nail that buried into my shoe, but somehow didn't reach my foot.

Saw a Woodchuck/Groundhog swim across the creek.  And a Cicada landed on my hat.

Caught about 20 fish of 7 species.  Here's some of them.

32" Grass Carp:

Grass Carp on Fly

White Bass

Freshwater Drum

Largemouth Bass

Hybrid Sunfish