My buddy Jay and I flyfished 3 streams in NE Iowa this week....Coldwater, Trout Run, and North Bear.
It was very warm, humid, and no breeze. I felt plagued with many missed strikes I could see, or hooked fish shaking free before I could land them...and fish that just didn't want anything to do with me. Lots of follows and refusals. Big fish getting away time and again. I found it very interesting that once a trout scrutinized the fly, they seemed to have their mind made up, and wouldn't even pay it any attention afterwards. But, it seems to be short-term memory. You could go back in an hour and catch that fish. Silly trouts! 

Bald-Faced Hornet was about chest high, we almost walked right into it! I slide my cell phone under it and snapped a picture...pretty cool!