Sunday, June 18, 2023

June 17, 2023

 Hadn't pestered the Bowfin in nearly a month, so I gave that a try.

Caught 8, no scent added to the flies.  

Also caught a 30.5" Gar, that could be either a Spotted Gar or possibly a hybrid gar (shortnose x spotted).

Caught several shortnose gar, I measured one at 26.5".

I caught a Black Crappie, several Largemouth Bass, Bluegills, Green Sunfish, a Black Bullhead, and at least 3 Warmouth (9 species for the day!).

I saw a pair of Indigo Buntings today... the male was a beautiful blue!

I was fishing around a culvert for Bowfin, when the fly got CHOMPED!  The the fly didn't move at all when I set the hook.  It finally did start to move as I put more pressure on the rod.  Snapping turtle!  I got it to shore and tried using forceps to reach/remove the hook from its open mouth. Every time I got the forceps near it, it lunged and bit at the forceps.  It kept clawing at the line and finally broke the line and returned to the depths.  Bummer.  

Saw fewer snakes today, but also saw several shed skins, so I bet they are fresh and shiny now.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. Can you check your Instagram message request. I have a question regarding shortnose gar. Thanks!
